GRE作文范文 Issue-15
"Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."
嘉文博译Sample Essay
In any society, there are people that are born to travel and there are homebodies who are happy with where they are at, with no desire to go anywhere else at all. Most people probably fall somewhere in between the two extremes. As television channels have become more numerous and computer connections have become faster and more easily available, there is more information on hand to the average person than ever before in history. But rather than making tourism obsolete, the Internet and television will spur more people to travel to places that they otherwise would never have known.
In years past, people could read about different places in newspapers and magazines or possibly hear about them on the radio. In the earlier days of television, an inability to take television equipment to some of the more remote spots of the world kept people from learning about many places. Even when another country or continent was described or televised, it would seem to be a far away, exotic place that was unreachable to all but the hardiest and most adventurous travelers. Airplanes were still thought of as more of a novelty or for domestic travel only. Ships could take people to far away places but weeks or months were needed to reach the destination. Normal people did not have the time or the money to spend on such foreign travel.
Incredible changes in vehicles for transportation have made travel not only safer but faster and more comfortable as well. High-speed magnetic levitation (mag-lev) trains can transport people safely at speeds of up to three hundred miles an hour in parts of Europe and Japan. The Concorde jet can transport people from New York to London in less than four hours in luxurious comfort. Gigantic cruise ships that can sail to almost any ocean ports have been built that rival any five star land-based hotels anywhere in the world. There have even been space tourists who have traveled into outer space to the International Space Station and returned safely to Earth. Not only have the transportation vehicles themselves been greatly enhanced, but the highways and railways that the vehicles use have also been tremendously improved. More places than ever before are now accessible by rapid and reliable transportation.
The information technology age will likely also drive more people to tourism through the sheer increase in information available to the average person. Access to knowledge about any country is as close as an individual's desktop computer. The more countries and regions that an individual can become familiar with, the greater the likelihood that he or she will find a place that he or she would like to visit in person. Previously unknown island paradises and countries are now making themselves famous through the use of television and the World Wide Web, trying to cash in on the billions of dollars that are spent every year on tourism. Global incomes have also increased, allowing more and more people in more countries to afford traveling for a vacation.
While it is likely that there are people that will do their traveling "virtually" through television or the computer, it is equally likely that even without the availability of such a wealth of information, they would not have traveled anyway. Hiking the Grand Canyon in the United States or scuba diving around the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is not the same as watching it on television or the Internet. Snow skiing in the Swiss Alps or breathing in the fresh air of the Scottish Highlands must be personally experienced to be enjoyed. Shaking hands with a local Chinese villager in his own home or tasting the cooking of a friendly tribesman along the Amazon River simply cannot be done without traveling. Technology only increases the knowledge that is easily available; it cannot dampen the enthusiasm for tourism in those that love to travel.
GRE作文范文 Argument-15
“The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.”
嘉文博译Sample Essay
"A folk remedy* for insomnia, the scent in lavender flowers, has now been proved effective. In a recent study, 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for three weeks on lavender-scented pillows in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored. During the first week, volunteers continued to take their usual sleeping medication. They slept soundly but wakened feeling tired. During the second week, the volunteers discontinued their medication. As a result, they slept less soundly than the previous week and felt even more tired. During the third week, the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than in the previous two weeks. This shows that over a short period of time lavender cures insomnia.."
(*A folk remedy is usually a plant-based form of treatment common to traditional forms of medicine, ones that developed before the advent of modern medical services and technology.)
This arguer states in his or her argument that a recent study has proven that the scent of lavender flowers is an effective remedy for insomnia. To support this conclusion, the arguer cites the study, which tested thirty volunteers over a three-week period in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored. During the first week, the volunteers continued to take their usual sleeping medications and slept well but awoke feeling tired. For the second week, the medication was discontinued and the volunteers slept less soundly and felt even more tired than before. During the third week, the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than before. This conclusion is based on problematic reasoning and fails to convince on any level.
First of all, the fact that the study took place in a controlled room makes the study's results likely to be different than what would have been found in the volunteers' home environments. For most people, it is difficult, at least at first, to sleep in a new bed in a different place, thus altering the normal patterns of sleeping and ultimately the results of the study. In addition, a study based on the results of only thirty volunteers over just three weeks is hardly a thorough and convincing study of an entire population. This argument is greatly weakened by both of these problems with the study method.
Secondly, the study results showed that for the first week, the subjects slept soundly but wakened feeling tired. This would be expected as medication can force sleep but not the natural type of sleep that is necessary to normally refresh the mind and the body. For the second week, the medication was discontinued with the result being that the volunteers slept less soundly and were even more tired than before. Again, this would be expected as taking away the medication that normally made the volunteers sleepy had interrupted the normal sleep routine. With less sleep, of course the volunteers would feel more tired. For the third week, the study found that the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than they had in the previous two weeks. Rather than attributing this to the lavender scent, the subjects in reality had been tired for the previous two weeks, including one in which they discontinued medication. It would be a natural result for them to sleep well during the third week due to being so tired from the previous two weeks. Additionally, by the third week, the volunteers would be getting familiar with their still relatively new sleeping environment, again helping them to sleep better. With so many possible other causes of better sleep during the third week, it is highly unlikely that the lavender scent had any effect on the volunteers. Because the arguer does not address these other causes, the argument here also fails to convince.
In summary, the arguer has used some unconvincing anecdotal evidence to try to show a direct cause and effect relationship between the scent in lavender flowers and a cure for insomnia. To strengthen the argument, evidence must show a direct causal relationship between the lavender scent and its effect on sleep. The study presented as evidence of such a link does not isolate other possible factors that probably led to better sleep for the volunteers, and as such it does not contribute much to the arguer's improbable conclusion.
首先,该项 研究是在某一控制室内进行,这一事实就足以使得该项研究的结果可能全然有别于在其家庭环境中进行研究所有可能发现的结果。对于大多数人来说,至少是在初期,是很难在一个全新的环境中的一张全新的床上睡好的,因此,这会改变其正常的睡眠模式,并因而会最终改变研究结果。此外,一项只是基于三十个人为期仅三个星期的研究很难成为一项面向所有人口的全面而有说服力的研究。由于该研究方法中的这二大缺陷,上述论点倍遭削弱。
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